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1.- Information. Use of the web page. Limitation of Liability.


This web page and the domain name ( are ownership of Mª Belen Martin Rial (BmR) lawyer admitted to the Barcelona Bar Association, member number 21.416, holder of the firm “LexLey Worldwide”, with professional address, at C/ Rossello, 285, 2 - 4, 08037 Barcelona, and with Tax ID 37.380.284-V. Contact details: E: T:  626420589 Among its academic degrees the following: JD in Law by the Central University of Barcelona and Master in Corporate, Banking and Finance at Fordham University, School of Law in New York. 


The profesional rules regulating the legal services offerred can be found in the Advocacy General Statute, Ethical Code of the Spanish Advocacy General Committee, and the Regulation of the Catalan Advocacy. You can find information on those regulations at the web page of the Barcelona Bar Association ( - The Bar/Professional Rules). The contact details of the Barcelona Bar Association are: Mallorca 283 (Barcelona), T: + 93 4961880.


The use and access by any person (“user”) of the web page ownership of BmR/ LexLey Worldwide is subject to the conditions of use herein stated. The user shall use the web page and its contents in accordance with the law and these conditions of use. The user accesses the web page under its exclusive responsibility. The access to the web page and use of the information contained in the same mean the full acceptace without reservations, of these rules and the Legal Disclaimer and Privacy Notice, by the user therefore, we request that you read them each time you access the web page, since they can be modified. If you have any doubts in relation to the conditions of use of this web page, please send an e-mail to


BmR/LexLey Worldwide informs you that the contents, opinions, and services included in the web page have been added for informative purposes only. The contents of the web page can not be considered under any circunstances legal advise about any matters. Therefore, the user shall not carry out any actions, or adopt decisions on the basis of the information contanined in the web page without the adequate prior legal advise that shall consider all circurnstances of each case. BmR/LexLey Worldwide does not assume any liability for any damages that may result or are related with the use of such information. 


The access and use of this web page by the user (including in each case, the request of information by the means placed to that effect in the web page) does not creates a professional relationship of any type between the user and BmR/LexLey Worldwide. The user guarantees the authenticity and veracity of all the personal data that communicates when filling out any forms for contacting or requesting information. The user is obliged and responsible to maintain exact and up-to-date the information provided so that it responds, at all times, at is current situation. The processing of personal data provided by the user will be carried out by BmR/LexLey Worldwide in accordane with its privacy policty set forth in this webpage. 


BmR/LexLey Worldwide does not guarantee that the materials, information, opinions and contents that appear in the web page reflect the most recent legislative and case law status about the matters analized and included in the same, therefore, it is not responsible for their accuracy, completeness or of them being up-to-date. BmR/ LexLey Worldwide is not responsible for the errors or omissions which may be contained in this web page, or for any damages, direct or indirect, resulting from the use of the web page.


BmR/LexLey Worldwide can modify and/or update at any time and without prior notice, the presentation, configuration, design, services and contents of the web page, as well as the conditions of use and other particular conditions, that may exist for specific sites, services and uses. BmR/LexLey Worldwide is not responsible for potential damages or errors that, due to the presence of any viruses and other elements, the hardware or software of the user may suffer when accessing or using the web page.


This web page can contain links that allow the user to access web pages managed by third parties, upon which BmR/LexLey Worldwide does not exercise any control. BmR/LexLey Worldwide is not responsible of the contents, informations, errors or omissions, or the status of said sites or web pages, and access to the same throught this web page does not mean or imply that BmR/LexLey Worldwide recomends or approves their contents. Therefore, the browsing or navigation by the user throught those web pages unrelated to BmR/LexLey Worldwide, is under its exclusive and sole responsibility, with total indemnity for BmR/LexLey Worldwide. The links to web pages of third parties that are contained in this web page are included to provide the user with other sources of information that could be of its interest, therefore, with the sole purposes of guidance. If the user notices that such links are against the law, moral or public order, or likely to incite to violence or to discrimination for sexual, ideological, religious and race reasons, we kindly request you to inform us by e-mail to:


We decline all and any liability, to the extent allowed by law, in relation to the contents of those links or in regards to the damages or errors that any viruses present when accessing or using the same, can cause to the hardware or software of the user.


Any link or any other type of virtual connection through telecomunication networks from any web page or URL address to the web page, has to be authorized previously and in writing, and the link must always relate to the company homepage.


BmR excludes, to the extent allowed by the law, any liability for damages of any kind caused by the lack of availability or continuity of access of the website and its services. The access to the information and services, has in principle indefinite duration. However, BmR/LexLey Worldwide, can terminate or suspend the access to the website at any time. 


We warn the user that before taking any actions derived from the content of the website, proceed to verify the information obtained by contacting us to the telephone T: 626420589 or the e-mail address: 


2.- Industrial and Intellectual Property


All the intellectual and industrial property rights over the web page and the contents and information, contained in the same are legally reserved and the access to the web page or its use by the user can not be considered in any manner as granting the right, authorization or license of any type in regards to the rights, contents and information. All the contents that are part of the web page, including the trademarks, distinctive signs, logos, indicated in the same, are ownership of BmR/LexLey Worldwide or third parties. Those are protected by intelectual and industrial property laws in effect.


It is forbidden the reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, download, making available, extraction, reuse, forwarding or the use of any type, or by any means or procedures, of any of such rights and, in general, any acts of explotation of the totality or part of the contents that integrate the web page, except with the express authorization in writing of the holder of the corresponding rights.


It is also prohibited to decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, sublicense or transmit in any way, translate or make derivative works of computer programs (“software”) for the operation, visualization, access and use of this website and the services therein contained, as well as, with respect to all or part of such programs, to perform any acts of explotation referred in the prior paragraph.


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The user of the web page must refrain in any case from suppressing, altering, evading or manipulating any protection device or security systems that may be installed on the same.


3.- Data Protection. Right of Information.


The personal data provided by the user throught the website will be incorporated to data files created and maintained under the responsibility of BmR/LexLey Worldwide, for its processing by the same, with the purpose to contact with him/her, to provide the information requested and/or render the services of the firm that the same may request, as well as to send information about legislative and case law updates or any aspects of interest in relation to the services rendered, and general information about the rendering of new services, to which you expressly consent. The legal basis for the processing is the contractual services relationship with clients and the legitimate interest. The data will be retained for the duration of the contractual replations and for the duration of the applicable statute of limitations for any related legal claims and for the period necessary to comply with applicable legal obligations.


The user can exercise its Data Privacy rights, Access, Rectification, Erasure (right to be forgotten), Cancellation, Opposition, Portability, Limitation of Processing, and Right to oppose to automated individual decisions, by the same or in its case, by its legal representative, by written request duly signed and address to: Belen Martin, LexLey Worldwide, Rossello, 285, 2º, 4ª, (08037) Barcelona or to the e-mail address: The user also has the right to file a claim withthe Spanish Data Protection Agency ( if you consider that the processing of personal data does not comply with current regulations.


BmR/LexLey Worldwide will adopt the security measures in relation to the data provided by the user throught the website in accordance with the applicable law.


4.- Applicable law and jurisdiction.


The present conditions of use are subject to Spanish law.


For the resolution of any conflicts that may result from the access of the website, the user and BmR/LexLey Worldwide agree to the express submission to the Courts of the city of Barcelona, waiving the right to any other general or special forum that may correspond to them.

© 2015 Belen Martin Rial / Lexley Worldwide. All rights reserved.

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